Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Back To School

funny thing though, when we were in school, we all kinda hated it.. some of the teachers... subjects taught... the curiculum activities.... etc.. lately i got a chance to go back to school... part of the company's way of giving back to the people.... society.... also known as community service... at first, i kinda hesitated, but after being brainwashed by my head honcho...... (serabai)..... i went with a heavy heart.... ( tak ikhlas lah ni)

when i reached the school, everyone, i mean every person in the school (i think) greeted us....
man, what a pleasure.....

seeing the girls and boys enjoying our company, i felt proud(kembang2) and enjoyed myself...
i became a kid again(mentally). went to class... played around with the teachers.... had to stand in class.... ( a bit too naughty)....hehehehehe....

i really missed those days... panjat pagar ponteng kelas.... kena kejar ngan guru disiplin.... hehe...
hisap rokok sembunyi belakang toilet..... hahahahahahaha.....

i really miss those days....... ahaks!!!


RhyZe said...

hye bajan!! i xclassmate awak yg setia.. kenal lagi tak?? hehehe...

Radin Hairi said...

powerman 5000, dem yuh...

ko mmg lagi otai membuatkan aku terkenang artis dulu kala hehehe